John Stainer


In May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into action. As a school, we take the data of your children very seriously. We do use a number of educational resources and we have ensured that they are all GDPR compliant. Below, where possible, we have made a list of the software that we use in school:

  • LGFL Learning Resources -  Provides access to the school laptops/PC’s. Also gives children secure email accounts and tools to support the whole curriculum.
  • G Suite –Provides a means to save work and provides tools to support the whole curriculum.
  • Mathletics - Maths games to support the maths curriculum.
  • Spellodrome- Games aimed at improving the children’s spelling ability.
  • IDL  - uses sight, sound, touch, and voice to improve reading and spelling.
  • Little Bridge – provides support for children who are new to English.
  • - Provides KS1 and KS2 practice punctuation & grammar tests. 
  • SeeSaw  - This enables children to create and save a digital portfolio of work across the curriculum and receive teacher feedback.
  • Scratch Education Account - This enables children to create and save a digital portfolio of their coding work and receive teacher feedback.
